What is a PCP Claim?

A PCP claim is a quest for justice and financial compensation from a car finance agreement that wasn’t in your best interest. If you’ve financed your car through a Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) and feel that the terms weren’t clear, or the agreement wasn’t suitable for you, a PCP claim may be your path to rectification.

Here are key considerations that might signal you have a valid claim:

  1. Unaffordability: If the monthly payments of your car finance became a financial burden, it might indicate that the car dealer or finance provider failed to properly assess or discuss your ability to maintain payments throughout the term of the agreement.
  2. Undisclosed Commissions: Following recent findings by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), it has come to light that some car dealers inflated interest rates to earn higher commissions. If you were not made aware of this practice at the time of the agreement, you might have been mis-sold your car finance.


If your PCP or HP agreement began before January 2021, we recommend seeking professional advice to determine if you’re entitled to reclaim finances from the lender. Our expert partners are poised to review your case, providing clarity and the opportunity to reclaim what’s rightfully yours.

How It Works: Your Path to a Successful PCP Claim

Step 1

Enter Your Details

Begin by simply entering your personal details. Our quick and easy form is designed to capture all the necessary information to evaluate your claim.

Step 2

Expert Law Firm Review

We forward your details to one of our specialist partner law firms. Rest assured, our partners are experts in PCP claims and will handle your information with utmost confidentiality.

Step 3

Consultation and Case Building

A dedicated expert from our partner law firm will then contact you to discuss the specifics of your situation. This is where your case starts taking shape.

Step 4

Claim Submission

With all the details at hand, your claim will be meticulously prepared and lodged against the IFA, bank, or intermediary responsible for the mis-sold PCP or HP agreement.

Step 5

Resolution and Compensation

All you need to do now is wait for the outcome. We work diligently to resolve your claim, aiming to get you the compensation you deserve. We'll keep you informed every step of the way.

How to Identify if You Were Mis-sold PCP Car Finance

Understanding Your PCP Agreement:

PCP (Personal Contract Purchase) can be complex, and it’s important to know if you’ve been treated fairly. You might have been mis-sold your car finance if you recognize any of the following scenarios:

  • Lack of Transparency: Were you informed about all the costs and fees, including high-interest rates or dealer commission?
  • Inadequate Explanation: Did the finance company fail to provide a clear and comprehensive explanation of the PCP terms and conditions?
  • Suitability: Was the PCP agreement suitable for your financial situation, or were there more suitable finance options available that were not disclosed?
  • Overcharging: You may have been overcharged or been subject to hidden fees that were not properly explained before you agreed to the PCP.

Check Your Eligibility:

“It’s straightforward to determine if you’re eligible to make a claim. Reflect on the following questions about your PCP car finance deal:”

  • Did you fully grasp the financial agreement you entered into?
  • Were you made aware of how the final balloon payment was calculated?
  • Did you understand the potential charges for exceeding the agreed mileage or wear and tear?
  • Were you informed about the amount of commission the car dealer would receive from the finance company?

Initiate Your Review:

“If you suspect any mis-sellings in your PCP car finance deal, we’re here to help you rectify it. Claim Your PCP specialises in connecting you with right Law Firm to secure rightful compensation for unfair car finance agreements.”


You do not need to use a claims management company to make your complaint; you can do this yourself for free. If your complaint is not successful, you can refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service yourself for free. The customer must lodge a complaint first before it can escalate to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

CalimYourPCP refer clients to claims management firms or legal teams who charge a success fee of up to 40% + VAT of any damages won on behalf of the client. This fee is only payable upon the successful resolution of a claim. If a claim managed by our referred partners is unsuccessful, the claims management partner, does not charge the client any fee.

When a claim is referred to a third-party (e.g., a law firm), fees will be charged at no more than 40% + VAT. The respective fee will always be clearly outlined to all clients at the time of referral, and the client will be given the opportunity to decide whether or not to proceed on that basis.

A fee equalling the success fee will only be charged if a client cancels after an offer of compensation has been made.

ClaimYouPCP is part of PowerDevs International Limited and serves solely as a lead generation company, not a claims management company. Our postal address and registered office is 57, Hartley Street, Rochdale, Greater Manchester, OL127NF, United Kingdom. The company is registered in England and Wales with the company registration number 15308253. PowerDevs International Registered with the Information Commissioners Office, registration number: ZB689947;

Frequently Asked Questions

Eligibility to Make a PCP Claim for Mis-sold Car Finance?

You may be eligible if you entered into a PCP agreement and experienced any of the following:
Affordability: not being fully informed about all costs and terms, misunderstanding the financial commitment, or being sold a plan unsuitable for your finances.
Miss-Sold: If the finance terms weren’t clear, if you didn’t understand the balloon payment or potential extra charges, or if you felt undue pressure to agree, you might have a claim.

How Do I Start a Claim for Mis-sold PCP Car Finance?

To initiate your mis-sold PCP claim, simply complete our quick online form with some basic information about your finance agreement. We’ll then pass your details to our trusted SRA Regulated Law Firm partner, who will conduct a thorough review of your case. They’ll be in touch to gather any additional information needed and will manage all aspects of the claim process on your behalf, including communication and negotiation for a resolution.

How Long Does It Take to Resolve a PCP Claim?

The resolution time can vary, ranging from a few months to over a year, depending on the case’s complexity and the lender’s response. However, by leveraging our partner law firms expertise, we aim to make this process as swift as possible, keeping you updated at every stage.

What Can I Expect from a Successful PCP Claim?

A successful claim could mean compensation for any financial loss you’ve incurred due to mis-selling, adjustments to your agreement, or a fair settlement. Our goal is to secure an outcome that compensates for both financial and emotional distress.

Will Making a PCP Claim Affect My Credit Score?

Filing a claim itself won’t impact your credit score. Should there be any adjustments to your finance agreement following a successful claim, we work meticulously to ensure these do not negatively affect your credit.

How Can I Make the Claims Process as Quick as Possible?

Provide all relevant details and documentation about your finance agreement when you start your claim. Having all the information up-front helps us to work efficiently and reduces the likelihood of delays.

What are the Possible Timelines for a PCP Claim?

An unaffordability claim may resolve in about 10 weeks, while undisclosed commission claims might take longer, sometimes up to 12 months. Timelines can vary based on the lender’s cooperation and whether court proceedings are necessary.

Are There Any Upfront Fees for Making a Claim?

No, we operate on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis. This means you won’t pay anything upfront. If you win, we will take a percentage of the compensation to cover our services, ensuring you receive a majority of the settlement.